Can You Scale a Web App Built on Bubble?

Building web applications without writing a single line of code is now possible thanks to no-code platforms like Bubble allows individuals and startups to bring their ideas to life rapidly without needing extensive programming knowledge. However, as your app gains traction, many businesses choose to hire Bubble developers to ensure their application is scalable and optimized for growth.

This post explores the scalability of, along with the Bubble developer skills you'll need to succeed in creating and maintaining a scalable application. - No-code Development | Delphin Technologies

1. Introduction to is a powerful no-code platform that enables users to create dynamic, data-driven web applications without writing code. Bubble’s drag-and-drop interface allows you to build complex applications with ease, making it an attractive choice for entrepreneurs and startups looking to build a minimum viable product (MVP).

The platform handles everything from the front-end design to back-end workflows, databases, and even APIs. But when considering whether Bubble developer skills are sufficient to create and maintain scalable apps, you need to dive deeper into what Bubble offers and where its limitations lie.

2. What Does It Mean to Scale a Web App?

Scaling refers to a web application's ability to handle an increasing number of users, data, and transactions without compromising performance. When an app scales well, it means that even with high traffic and growing complexity, it maintains speed, uptime, and user experience.

There are two main types of scaling:

      • Vertical Scaling: Adding more power (CPU, memory, etc.) to an existing server to handle more requests.

      • Horizontal Scaling: Distributing the load across multiple servers, databases, or services.

To determine whether can handle scaling, we need to look at how it supports both these types of scaling as you grow your app.

3. Can Handle High Traffic? is built on a cloud infrastructure that offers elastic scaling. As traffic increases, Bubble allocates more resources to your app, but there are still important factors to consider when dealing with high-traffic situations.

How Bubble Handles High Traffic:

      • Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Bubble leverages cloud-based architecture, so it can dynamically adjust resources based on demand.

      • Auto-scaling: While not customizable, Bubble auto-scales resources based on the application's needs.

      • Built-in CDN (Content Delivery Network): Bubble uses CDNs to optimize load times and enhance performance for users in different geographical locations.

While these features sound promising, understanding how to configure workflows, database queries, and design patterns is essential for handling high traffic efficiently.

4. Key Features for Scaling on Bubble includes several key features designed to make scaling smoother and more efficient. Leveraging these features correctly can significantly improve the scalability of your web app.

Key Scalability Features:

      • Workflows: Bubble’s visual workflows allow developers to design how the app responds to user actions. Efficient workflow design can optimize performance and limit server strain.

      • Database Queries: Query optimization is crucial for scaling. Bubble offers powerful options for structuring databases to minimize bottlenecks.

      • Version Control: Having separate development and production environments helps you test scaling strategies without affecting live users.

      • Server Logs: Detailed logs help you monitor how your app performs under different conditions, offering insights into potential scaling issues.

Learning how to optimize these features is a vital part of developing your Bubble developer skills.

5. Bubble Developer Skills for Scaling

To successfully scale a web app on Bubble, developers need a specific skill set that combines both technical know-how and understanding of the platform’s unique capabilities. Here are the most important Bubble developer skills needed for scalability:

Workflow Optimization

One of the most critical aspects of scaling on Bubble is efficiently designing workflows. Poorly structured workflows can slow down your app, while optimized workflows can help it handle thousands of requests smoothly.

Database Management

Bubble's database is one of its strongest features, but scaling requires optimizing database queries and minimizing redundant data fetches. Mastering database indexing and query structuring is essential.

API Integration

To scale further, Bubble allows integration with external APIs. Knowing when and how to offload tasks to third-party services can significantly reduce the load on your Bubble app.

Performance Monitoring

Bubble provides server logs, but understanding how to interpret and act on this data is key. Developers must be adept at monitoring app performance, identifying bottlenecks, and making necessary adjustments.

6. Limitations of Scaling on Bubble

While Bubble offers many features for scalability, it's important to acknowledge its limitations. Being aware of these can help you make better decisions about whether Bubble is the right platform for your app as it grows.

Lack of Full Customization

Unlike traditional coding platforms, you don’t have full control over the server infrastructure. This limits how much you can optimize server-side performance.

Shared Resources

On Bubble’s lower-tier plans, your app will be sharing server resources with other applications. This can affect performance during peak times if many apps are drawing on the same resources.

Limited Horizontal Scaling

Bubble primarily focuses on vertical scaling by adding more resources to the server running your app. For applications that need horizontal scaling across multiple servers, Bubble may not be the most efficient choice.

These limitations highlight the need for developers to learn advanced Bubble developer skills to overcome performance hurdles.

7. Alternative Approaches to Scaling

If you're building a large, highly complex application, you might eventually outgrow Bubble's capabilities. Here are some alternative approaches to scaling that might complement or replace Bubble as your app grows.

External API Usage

Even if your app is built on Bubble, you can offload certain tasks to external APIs. For example, you can use a service like AWS Lambda for intensive back-end processing while keeping your Bubble front-end.

Hybrid Approach

Some companies build the initial version of their app on Bubble and later transition to a custom-coded platform for better scalability. This hybrid approach allows startups to quickly prototype and validate their ideas before investing in full-stack development.

Moving to Traditional Platforms

As your app reaches enterprise-level traffic, it might make sense to rebuild it using traditional platforms such as Node.js or Ruby on Rails. While this requires more development effort, it offers full control over server resources and scalability.

8. Examples of Scalable Apps Built on Bubble

Several successful apps built on Bubble have scaled effectively, proving that it is possible to grow on the platform. Let's look at a few examples of scalable applications created with Bubble.

Dividend Finance

Dividend Finance is a financial services company that provides loan products for solar financing. It scaled its web app on Bubble and handled thousands of users without issues.


Teal is a career management platform that offers users job tracking tools. The company has scaled its app to accommodate many users while maintaining performance.

Both of these examples illustrate how apps can be scaled on Bubble when developers use the platform’s features efficiently and possess the right Bubble developer skills.

9. Conclusion

So, can you scale a web app built on Bubble? The answer is yes— offers several tools and features that make scaling possible. However, the extent of scalability depends on how well you understand the platform and its limitations. By mastering essential Bubble developer skills, such as workflow optimization, database management, and API integration, you can build a web app that handles significant traffic and grows alongside your business.

While there are limitations to scaling on Bubble, especially compared to traditional coding platforms, its flexibility and speed of development make it a valuable tool for many startups and small businesses. If scalability becomes an issue down the line, there are alternative approaches like integrating external APIs or transitioning to a custom-built platform.

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